The Opium Room Read online

Page 10

  “You feel so good,” Lea said, barely recognizing her own voice. Her lips seemingly had a mind of their own whenever Fox was around.

  “You too, baby.”

  Lea blinked hard, pursed her lips together, thinking, Don’t break my heart. I love you.

  As if Fox read her mind, he lifted his head from her neck, looked in her eyes. Time slowed to a crawl. Fox positioned both of his palms near her temples and softly caressed her head. “I’m so glad I found you.”

  “Me too.”

  Lea could feel the racing of her put–back–together heart. It pounded faster and he took her farther and farther away from her worries, her insecurities. Every cell in her body on fire for Fox. As their hips pressed together harder, faster, the heat in her belly reached its peak. Their climax synchronized with the breathing of each other’s name.


  The next morning, Lea awoke before Fox and as he’d promised, she’d had a great night’s sleep at his place. For a long while, she just laid there staring at him, with her arm draped across his back trying to believe that this was real. For the last year, she’d mused that she was doomed to be a spinster, forever untouched by the hands of a man. Not good enough for anyone. But she was good enough for Fox. Last night, he’d worshipped her body like she was some sort of goddess.

  As she admired Fox’s face, she felt inspired to love again. Leave behind the pangs of self–doubt. She’d found a kind, good–hearted man who’d made her feel more special in a day than Brandon did in ten years of marriage. She wanted him beside her, in her heart, forever.

  Later that morning, Fox and Lea strolled arm in arm past the front desk where, from out of nowhere, a tall, slender, blonde tugged on his arm.

  “Hey, Fox,” the woman said. She offered no greeting, no sign of acknowledgement at all, to Lea. She might as well have been invisible. “I can see you’re not dressed for work, and I hope this isn’t a bad time for you…”

  Hello? Does she even see me here? Lea already wanted to reach out, curl her fingers around the blonde’s neck, and squeeze until her knuckles turned white.

  “…but you always help me carry my bags up to my room,” the blonde continued. “I’m getting ready to check in for a few days, and I could really use a hand in a minute.”

  “Trish, that’s what the concierge is for. I would, but as you can see…” he moved his eyes in Lea’s direction.

  “Fine, I’ll get help from the concierge.”

  Fox started to walk off.

  “But,” the blonde said, “can you make sure I get the best possible rate for my stay? I am a regular customer.”

  “Sure, I’ll talk to Karrigan after I walk out my girlfriend.” He looked at Lea and smiled.

  For Fox to call her his girlfriend for the first time to this bimbo really said something about his genuine feelings for her. Lea felt better.

  “Thanks,” the blonde said, put her hand on his shoulder and rose up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

  She did not just kiss my man’s cheek! How dare she!

  Lea was at a loss. But what could she do? It’s not like the woman put her tongue down his throat, and in some foreign countries it’s a respectful gesture to kiss on both cheeks.

  Fox said nothing. Just took off with Lea still on his arm.

  Outside, Lea said, “Why did she kiss you, Fox? Is she one of your… girls?”

  “I won’t lie, Lea. We used to sleep together when she came to town. It was never personal. We didn’t talk before or afterward. I haven’t seen her for six months.” He rubbed the outside of both her arms. “You have nothing to worry about. If she comes on to me while she’s here, I’ll get the point across that it’s never happening again.” He kissed Lea on the forehead. “Okay?”

  “Okay.” Lea smiled, but couldn’t shake the image of the blonde with her strappy black heels on, short mini skirt and ample cleavage, out of her mind. She didn’t fully believe that Fox had changed his preferences overnight. Still didn’t visualize herself in the mold of what he was looking for. But he fit the mold of what she wanted. Would she ever regain her sense of self? Feel secure again? And would Fox be patient while she searched her soul? Time would tell.

  As Lea drove out of the parking lot, she couldn’t help but wonder if Fox was going back inside to see the blonde up to her room. And what could happen if he did.



  At ten a.m, right on time, Jill pranced through the door of Fox’s office looking like a hot mess as usual.

  She slid a flash drive across the desk. “Here, look at that, and you’ll see how my totals come up different from yours.”

  “Good,” Fox said, putting it in the hard drive of his desk top. His desk was catty cornered, so the monitor was facing Jill. The contents of the flash drive came up on the screen.

  Jill leaned across the desk, pointed. “Click the file that says HPN. That’s the report for Hypnotic.”

  Fox did as she said. As the Excel spreadsheet loaded, Fox opened up the wide lower desk drawers and pulled out a hanging folder. He took his own spreadsheet out and handed it to Jill. “Here’s mine so you can compare.” Jill flipped through Fox’s document with a look of confusion. “Yeah, you’re definitely off.”

  Fox didn’t even argue with her. Just looked at her and shook his head. Under all that makeup, he thought, was a girl probably about the same age as the twins. Either that or she’d had a face lift that actually took.

  Fox turned back to his computer, clicked on book one of the Excel file. He scanned the information. January through June of Fiscal Year 2012. The figures closely resembled the ones he’d calculated fifteen times by now. “The problem’s not here,” he said. “Is the remainder of the 2012 FY on book two?”

  Jill nodded, still examining Fox’s paper records.

  It didn’t take Fox long to realize July to December of 2012 matched his figures to the very penny.

  He turned in his chair, tapped the desk to get Lea’s attention. “Hey,” he said, “did that plastic surgeon nick your brain when he lifted your face?”

  “Excuse me?” Jill asked, presumably trying to raise a brow on her feature–frozen face.

  “Book one and two together balance. Accounts paid, accounts received, vendor commissions, everything equates to the figures I came up with.”

  “I’m going to look past the rude comment you made a moment ago. You’ve got three strikes with me, Fox. One more outburst like that and you’re out.”

  “Whatever, pea brain. Come out with it. Where’d you get your finance degree? The George Institute for the clouded and clueless on the corner of stymied and stupid?”

  “Maybe you’re the one with half a brain. You didn’t click on book three.”

  Fox turned. There was a sheet three, as all Excel Spreadsheets had, but he hadn’t expected it to hold information; he had all he needed. He clicked on it out of curiosity, ready to blast her again for her remedial math skills.

  Fox’s lips parted as he read the screen. It was bank information from the Georgia Federal Credit Union. The monthly deposit amounts were ridiculous. One hundred thousand one month, two hundred thousand the next. The figures were on an upward climb for the entire year. His business checking account was with the same bank, but he knew he wasn’t looking at that account. In 2012, Hypnotic’s account had a level keel of outgoing and incoming funds.

  “The amount of deposits made versus the funds going out are way too far off,” Fox said pointing to the screen. “This can’t be Hypnotic’s account I’m looking at.”

  A wash of panic struck Jill’s features. Her mouth dropped and she blinked several times. After a moment, she pushed Fox’s paper file away and stood. “I’ve made a terrible mistake. I don’t how I linked my own account with Hypnotic’s. We use the same bank, and I must’ve uploaded the wrong file. I’m truly sorry for the trouble I’ve caused.” She held out her hand. “May I have my flash drive back?”

  Fox pulled it out of the computer
and handed it to her, too dumbstruck to form words.

  Jill turned on her heel and walked out before Fox could motivate his jaw to close.

  How in the hell does she have that kind of money?

  The instant that thought crossed his mind, Roman’s name rolled off his lips.

  Fox started to storm into Roman’s office and demand him to, once and for all, tell him the connection he shared with Jill. But he would be doing more damage than good. It was time for Fox to do some detective work. And if Roman knew he was on to him, he would have a head start in covering up his tracks. As it was, Roman had no reason to suspect that Fox was checking up on him.

  Sure, Fox had heard rumors throughout the years: his father had allegedly manipulated the stock market to financially benefit his tile company; lied on tax returns; siphoned money from a network of investors, some personal friends, and transferred it to company funds. But Fox had never let himself believe any of it. Roman had faced a jury and each claim had been found unsubstantiated. If a man had money, Fox thought, someone was always looking to blackmail him to get their share. That’s what Roman had said since Fox was old enough to remember.

  Roman was the only parent Fox had, and he couldn’t accept that his father was this monster some believed him to be. That’s why he hadn’t allowed himself to remember that night his mother passed away. Until now.

  The blinders had to come off.

  Steaming, Fox made his way over to Remedy.

  Opening the door to the kitchen, Fox found Erickson in his normal place, standing right over the oversized grille. Sweat was beading along his hairline, salmon simmering on the grille. “Can you take five, man?” Fox asked, putting his hand on Erickson’s shoulder.

  “I can’t, bro. Busy.”

  “Yeah, I see that. But can’t you get one of the other cooks to take over for a minute?”

  “I could, but I want this salmon to be perfect. A high–profile attorney is here, and I want to make a good impression. Karrigan might need us to help her get her foot in the door one day.”

  “All right. You leave me no choice, then, but to talk personal business standing here.”

  “I guess not,” Erickson agreed.

  “Listen, something funny is going on with Roman and Jill. I sat down with her today about our account, and long story short, the airhead showed me her personal banking account information.”

  “Yeah, so. What does that have to do with Roman?”

  “You tell me. Her account was up in the high six–figure range. How does someone from a consulting agency make that kind of money?”

  “Maybe she has a lot of clients,” Erickson said, taking the fish of the grill and putting it on a plate. He sprinkled some garnishing on top.

  “No, she’s too young to have such a high portfolio. Something’s up. I’d bet money she’s giving Roman sexual favors on the side.”

  “Nah, man,” Erickson said. “She’s way too young for him.”

  “Do you think Roman cares about age? No.”

  Erickson shrugged, indifferent.

  “I think I’m gonna take a drive out to the mansion and pull out the old Kemp archives to find information on Mother’s death. It’s overdue.”

  Erickson nodded, but didn’t have any input.

  “All right, man. Well, this has been enlightening. I’ll leave you to your salmon.”

  Erickson didn’t look up from the grill. “See ya.”

  Erickson may not share any suspicions about Roman, but soon, Fox thought, he’d have a bomb to drop and open up his siblings’ eyes.


  When he knocked off at six, he headed home to his primary residence in Newnan, Georgia, about forty minutes away. He was happy to get away from the hustle and bustle of Hypnotic for a while, not to mention, the people under its roof—Roman, Jill, even Karrigan and Erickson to a degree. He took a long, calming shower to clear his mind of his troubles. When he stepped out, he turned on some music, pulled on a pair of silk boxers. Shimmied into his black pants to the beat of the song playing on the radio. Walked into his closet, and pulled an eggplant–colored Ralph Lauren button–down off the padded hanger. It still had the tags on it. He’d saved that shirt for a special occasion. Tonight would surpass special—cross over into remarkable territory for him and his lady love.

  He sang along, hips swaying, while he fine–tuned his coif in the mirror. He remembered the hair product Bianca had given him that time at the salon. He’d never tried it, but he wanted to look his very best for Lea tonight.

  He unscrewed the lid, put the clear–colored goo up to his nose and took a whiff. It smelled fresh and clean, like his shampoo, so he went for it. Put just a little product between his fingers and twirled the tips of his hair between his fingertips. He smiled remembering Lea’s hands in his hair last night. Couldn’t wait for round two later tonight. It looked pretty good if he said so himself. He sprayed some hairspray and a shot of Armani Code cologne and he was ready.

  Except one last thing.

  He jogged down the curved staircase. Downstairs, he walked through the kitchen archway to the other side. Damn laundry room couldn’t be farther away from the dirty laundry. Good thing he rarely stayed home long enough to make dirty clothes. He pulled the Tide–washed sheets from the dryer, chunked the drier sheets in the trash, and ran back through the kitchen. Up the flight of forty stairs and down the hall to the master.

  He felt beneath the mattress and pulled the thirty–eight revolver from its Velcro attachment. He set the gun on his chest of drawers and flipped the mattress. He lived in a gated neighborhood, but Fox never knew who might come looking for revenge from one of Roman’s corrupt deeds. He carefully attached the gun back in its place, and pulled the fresh fitted sheets across all four corners. He stood at the foot of the bed and shook the flat sheet down, spread it out evenly, then the duvet. He folded the corner diagonally, pulled it smooth, and tucked the edges under the mattress. Decorative matching pillows completed the fresh bed. He’d learned firsthand from the hotel staff how to make a bed to polished perfection.

  He was bringing his woman to his house tonight. She was too good to spend night after night in any hotel. No matter how spectacular. This night would mark another milestone for Fox. It would be the first time he’d ever had a woman sleep over at his place.

  With Lea there to complete him, for the first time this house would start to feel like a home.


  Lea had gotten a lot accomplished during her day. The last session of the conference was the most informative of all. She’d learned some xhtml codes that she could’ve used a long time ago.

  She returned a missed call from her mother. She let her mom know she’d be home tomorrow, and she’d stop by her house before anything else. She was going to make good on her promise to restore her computer, but more than anything, she wanted to tell her about the new love she’d found in Fox.

  Can a girl fall in love in five days? Lea wondered as she stood in front of the mirror in her hotel room surveying herself in her new dress. She didn’t see why not. Baby was only at Kellerman’s for three weeks, and she dirty danced her way into Johnny’s sheets.

  Yep, I’m pretty sure I'm in love, she thought as she applied the mascara Karrigan had picked out for her. When she and Fox were together last night, she felt more loved than at any other time in her life. They had a deep, spiritual connection that made her want to believe in reincarnation, as Karrigan did. If there is such a thing, Fox and Lea unquestionably loved each other in another life. She couldn’t wait to tell Karri that she might be on to something. She and Lea had a sister–like connection. Just being in her presence instantly lifted Lea’s mood. Lea wished Karrigan wasn’t into drugs. She didn’t ask what kind; it didn’t matter. Lea saw a girl who had veered in the wrong direction because she had no direction. From what Fox had said, their father was a miserable man, and her mother died when she was an infant.

  Lea hoped Fox liked the dress Karri picked out. It was a bla
ck lace dress that hits above the knee. It’s one–sleeved, sexy. Fox won’t know what to think when he saw her showing that much skin. She did feel a little out of her comfort zone with the amount of skin it was showing, but she felt sexy at the same time and excited to see the look on Fox’s face. Tonight, Lea thought, she’d turn his head so far, he’d get a permanent kink in his neck, and never be able to look at another woman again.

  Lea played with her hair, pinning it up in bobby pins. It wasn’t a professional up do, but it didn’t look half bad. She spritzed on the perfume Karrigan had bought her; she thought it was called Alien. It was heavy on the skin, but it made a statement: Smell me! Karrigan said Lea’s peppermint oil was just too weak for a man like Fox. He claimed to like her as she was, but from the women Lea had seen around him, he obviously was confused.

  Lea was depressed to think that tomorrow she’d be checking out of the hotel and going home to Augusta. She was so afraid that when she left, things would be different the next time she saw Fox. It’s like this had all been some extravagant vacation. What would the reality amount to of their real lives combined?

  As Lea stood in front of the bathroom mirror studying her dress, Fox called. He said he’d left his home thirty minutes ago and would be there in another five.

  Lea wondered what Fox’s home was like? She imagined it would be decorated with splashes of purple in every room since that was Fox’s favorite color. She wondered why Fox hadn’t yet offered to bring her to his house, but assumed he’d been too busy all week working. He himself said sometimes he didn’t go home for days.

  She hadn’t even ridden in his car yet. Had no idea what he drove. Was he a Mercedes guy? Land Rover? She’d soon find out.

  Her phone rang again. “I’m in the parking lot,” Fox said.

  “Don’t walk up to get me. I’ll meet you out front,” Lea said, putting her phone in her purse and leaving the room. There was no wait time; the elevator was already at her floor.